Who's Taking Care of Artists? Panel Discussion, Fabrica Gallery, Brighton, October 2019
Over 2019 independent curator, writer and editor Jamila Prowse instigated a series of public conversations about caring in the arts. These discussions explored current attitudes to and support for the welfare of essential workers in the arts: artists and other arts professionals working freelance as well as the employees of arts institutions. For this discussion Jamila invited three artists and curators who have been integral in building independent systems of support and care for artists, particularly those who have access issues and are marginalised within the sector. The speakers proposed a question to institutions around how they might nurture and learn from artist collectives. Jamila will be joined by guests Raquel Meseguer (Unchartered Collective), Ricardo Revron Blanco (UnderExposed) and Cairo Clarke (Site Projects).
Curated and hosted by Jamila Prowse as part of the public programme of Lindsay Seer's exhibition Care(Less).